This Organic Ethiopian Heirloom variety is a distinct bean known for its warmth and its zest. It ranks among the finest Yirgacheffe in all the land. It’s the creme’ de la creme’, the cream of the crop.
A taste like NOTHING you’ve ever experienced before, you’ll delight in its difference and uniqueness.
You’ll look forward to sharing this luxury with close friends and family like a fine wine only brought out on special occasions.
Coffee Perfection: Using The Natural Process Technique
A part of what transforms these superior quality cherries into full flavored sweetness in your cup happens after they are harvested.
It is then that it is time to take the carefully selected, ruby-red coffee cherries and continue the process in producing something truly wonderful.
Taking these supreme quality beans, the brothers join other small holder farmers at a natural processing site.
The perfectly ripened cherries are washed and fermented for over 72 hours.
Abiyot teaches his son, a hopeful fourth generation coffee farmer, of the crucial importance of this process in reaching the desired strong, full-bodied flavor.
He explains that natural enzymes will remove the fruit and pulp, allowing the bean to absorb the sugars from the fruit of the coffee cherry.
His son reaches out to touch…”ah, be so gentle,” he admonishes…”the coffee cherries are delicate and must be treated as such. You must show them respect.”
An Extra Step That Makes This Coffee The Rarest And Best
After 3 days of fermentation, the cherries will be dried on raised beds. A process that sets these farmers and their product apart from others in the region.
Many farmers in the region are a part of large cooperative sites where coffees are combined to be washed removing the cherry or fruit. They are then sorted and processed where the fruitless beans are dried, and then sold in large quantities.
NOT with Organic Ethiopia Natural Yirgacheffe Grade 1 coffee!
Oh, No.
These farmers take the extra time and work to produce a bean that is EXCLUSIVELY mythical.
The brothers know the flavor they are seeking requires the sweetness of the cherry to permeate the bean. So, they incorporate a practice to naturally dry the coffee cherries.
This natural method of drying is so rare, that the final product can be termed the unicorn of coffees.
With the knowledge passed down from their father and grandfather, the brothers have built a natural processing site for their selectively hand-picked coffee cherries to be dried on raised beds.
The skin and sweet, flesh like pulp of the cherry remain intact as air flows above, under, and around them on the drying beds.
The delicate coffee cherries will frequently be turned over with great care throughout the next 15-20 days as they dry on the raised beds.
Weather, humidity, and sunlight will determine just how long the coffee cherries need to be dried.
It is during these days of drying that the sweet, fruity mucilage of the cherry permeates through to the bean inside.
16 days this time. 16 days filled with countless, careful turnings of the exquisite cherries to ensure that perfectly permeated sweet flavors will result.
Floral, sweet, strawberry and peach. Here is that mythical unicorn of the coffee world. The time, the talent, the knowledge, the patience and careful handling have produced truly unrivaled flavor.
Their fathers and grandfathers perfected the practice and they dare not cut corners, for they know this is what makes them the best.
With excellence comes demand.
And, with rarity comes a limited supply.
Trust me when I say that your opportunity to indulge is limited and fleeting.
Coffee companies FIGHT to get this exquisite, elusive bean.
It only comes once a year, and unfortunately once we’re out of this treasure…WE ARE OUT.
*10oz Beans only
*Discounts can not be applied to Luxe Collection